Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

[medicastore.com] Anak Down Syndrome Juga Dapat Berprestasi

Minggu pagi itu sangat Istimewa bagi Intan, Ita, Eko, dan 300 anak-anak down syndrome (tuna grahita) lainnya. Mereka berkumpul bergembira bersama anak-anak dan orang normal lainnya dalam acara Gelar Fun Day bagi anak-anak down syndrome. Sebagian bergembira lomba menggambar dan mewarnai, menyusun puzzle, lomba bermain dart, mini basket, dan pertandingan sepak bola. Sebagian lagi ada yang mengisi tari-tarian tradisional.

Menurut pendiri Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB)-C Dian Grahita, Kemayoran, Maisi Wiryadi (63), semakin hari semakin sering kita temukan anak down syndrome. Jumlahnya 8.000 orang di seluruh Indonesia. "Jumlah ini akan terus meningkat karena sekarang ketahuan. Kalau dulu diumpetin orang tua karena wajah mereka jelek. Orang bilang Mongoloid Syndrome," jelasnya.

Menurutnya orang tua tidak perlu malu memiliki anak-anak down syndrome. Anak itu adalah titipan Tuhan, dan pasti ada maksud Tuhan pada ibu yang melahirkan dan membesarkan anak-anak down syndrome. "Saat ini kita sudah ada perkumpulan bagi para orang tua anak-anak ini. Kita harus berkumpul untuk membagi pengalaman, belajar menerima, dan saling memotivasi. Semua orang tua harus kreatif dan aktif mendidik anak-anaknya," jelasnya lagi. (diambil dari asihpa3.wordpress.com).

Sesuai dengan judul pada artikel diatas, maka sebenarnya anak dengan down syndrome juga dapat mempunyai prestasi yang membanggakan bagi orang tuanya, lingkungannya ataupun membawa harum nama bangsa di dunia internasional. Lihat Selengkapnya dalam artikel terbaru di medicastore yang berjudul :

Klik disini

Berikut adalah beberapa anak dengan down syndrome yang mampu berprestasi di tingkat nasional maupun internasional, yang medicastore ambil dari www.suaramedia.com & kompas.com :

Meski terbatas secara mental, Stephanie Handoyo, remaja berusia 18 tahun penderita down sindrom tak terhalangi untuk menjadi jawara olahraga renang di kelasnya. Tak tanggung-tanggung, Stephanie bercita-cita untuk mengikuti dan memenangkan lomba renang di Olimpiade Atena 2011 mendatang. Selain berprestasi sebagai perenang muda, Stephanie juga dikukuhkan oleh Museum Rekor Indonesia (MURI) sebagai pemain piano yang mampu membawakan 23 lagu berturut-turut dalam sebuah acara musik di Semarang, Jawa Tengah.

Selain Stephanie, ada pula Michael Rosihan Yacub, golfer (pegolf) muda berusia 20 tahun. Tahun 2009 lalu, ia meraih rekor MURI sebagai satu-satunya golfer penderita down sindrom di Asia.

Reviera Novitasari (15) yang menderita down syndrome mendapat medali perunggu renang 100 meter gaya dada pada kejuaraan renang internasional di Canberra Australia, 11-13 April 2008.

Ada juga anak DS lain, seperti Michael mendapat medali perak cabang lari di Special Olympic Dublin Irlandia. Eko mendapat medali emas lompat jauh di ajang yang sama. Yuliwati juara 4 di Special Olympic Shanghai 2008. Intan juara 1 menari se-SLB Jakarta dan juara 2 merangkai bunga Abylimpic Jakarta.

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Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

[medicastore.com] Product Of The Day Medicastore 28 Februari - 06 Maret 2011

RETICOPEN Harga normal
Rp. 158.100
Harga Senin, 28 Februari 2011
Rp. 148.614

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Mengandung : Lutein 3 mg, lycopene 8 mg, ß-carotene 3 mg, vitamin E 50 mg, zinc 20 mg, selenium 30 mcg, vitamin C 250 mg, vitamin B2 5 mg.
Kemasan : Kaplet Salut Selaput 30's.
Pabrik : Landson.
  MOLOCO + B12
MOLOCO + B12 Harga normal
Rp. 177.100
Harga Selasa, 1Maret 2011
Rp. 164.703

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Komposisi : Vitamin B12 20 µg, Ekstrak plasenta 15 mg.
Kemasan : Tablet salut gula 60 biji.
Pabrik : Darya-Varia.
Q-TEN COM Harga normal
Rp. 258.100
Harga Rabu, 2 Maret 2011
Rp. 240.033

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Indikasi : Ubiquinone 60 mg, L-carnitine 250 mg, Alpha lipoic acid 200 mg.
Kemasan : Box 3 strip @ 10 kaplet.
Pabrik : PT Novell Pharmaceutical.
ENTRASOL Harga normal
Rp. 30.360
Harga Kamis, 3 Maret 2011
Rp. 28.842

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Komposisi : Per 100 gram Protein 11,1 gr, Fat 5,4 gr, carbohydrate 76,2 gr, vitamin, mineral. Energi: 398 kkal.
Kemasan : Bubuk Vanilla 185 gram.
Pabrik : Sanghiang Perkasa /Kalbe farma.
Rp. 225.000
Harga Jum'at, 4 Maret 2011
Rp. 209.250

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Kandungan dan Manfaat :
Multivitamin dan mineral :
  • Diperlukan untuk nutrisi sel di tubuh.
  • Membantu metabolisme karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak.
  • Menjaga kesehatan dan memberikan energi atau tenaga.
Betaine HCl dan L-Glutamine :
  • Membantu menjaga kesehatan jantung.
  • Memberikan energi.
  • Memperbaiki stamina dan penggunaan oksigen di tubuh.
Asam Amino L-Gluthatione :
  • Antioksidan kuat yang bermanfaat memperlambat proses penuaan secara fisik.
  • Membantu mencegah aterosklerosis dan energi.
  • Membantu membuang sisa metabolisme yang tidak terpakai karena menjadi toksik bagi tubuh.
  • Kekurangan asam amino ini dapat mengakibatkan gangguan saraf, tremor, koordinasi otak.
Bioflavonoid, rutin, dan hesperidin :
  • Sebagai antioksidan mencegah kerusakan sel yang disebabkan oleh radikal bebas.
  • Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh.
  • Menjaga kesehatan flora usus dan memberikan pigmen pada rambut.
Phosphatidylcholine :
  • Untuk transport dan metabolisme lemak termasuk mengikat kolesterol darah.
  • Membantu menjaga kesehatan jantung, hati, dan aliran darah.
  • Pembentukan Myelin (pelindung saraf otak dan melancarkan transmisisinyal sel-sel saraf otak).
  • Acetylcholine (yang memproses daya ingat).
Kemasan : Tablet 90's.
Cara Pakai : 3 kali sehari 1-2 tablet setelah makan.
Pabrik : Nature`s Plus.
HEPASIL Harga normal
Rp. 164.450
Harga sabtu, 5 Maret 2011
Rp. 152.938,5

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Komposisi :
Per kapsul : Silymarin 35 mg, Oleum Xanthorrhizae 20 mg, Ekstrak Curcuma 10 mg, Echinacea 150 mg.
Kemasan : Kapsul 5 x 10 butir.
Pabrik : Kalbe Farma.
FISHQUA Harga normal
Rp. 73.600
Harga Minggu, 6 Maret 2011
Rp. 68.448

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Indikasi : Mengandung ekstrak minyak hati ikan hiu dan Vitamin E. FishQua adalah food supplement yang berisi Squalene dari hati ikan hiu jenis Aizame Spiny Dog Fish yang hidup pada kedalaman 300-1000 meter di perairan yang tidak tercemar.
Indikasi :
Bagaimana cara FishQua bekerja ?
  • Meningkatkan suplai oksigen ke dalam sel tubuh, sehingga dapat memaksimalkan fungsi dari seluruh sel-sel organ tubuh.
  • Melindungi tubuh dari racun atau substansi yang dapat menurunkan atau merusak kekebalan tubuh.
  • Sebagai antioksidan yang melindungi tubuh dari efek perusakan radikal bebas.
  • Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh.
Apa manfaat FishQua ?
  • Meningkatkan kesehatan dan daya tahan tubuh.
  • Mengurangi pusing atau lemas akibat darah rendah.
  • Mencegah perkembangan sel kanker.
  • Menurunkan kadar kolesterol, LDL dan trigliserida dalam darah.
  • Membantu penderita penyakit jantung koroner.
  • Melancarkan buang air besar.
  • Menormalkan gula darah.
  • Meringankan penderita Rhematoid arthritis.
Kemasan : Soft kapsul 30s.
Cara Pakai :
1-2 kapsul perhari.
• Pemulihan kesehatan : 1 kapsul pagi dan 1 kapsul malam setelah makan
• Pemeliharaan kesehatan : 1 kapsul pagi setelah makan.
Anak-anak, remaja, dewasa hingga orangtua maupun perempuan, serta ibu hamil dan menyusui boleh mengkonsumsi FishQua.
Pabrik : PT Pharos Indonesia.

Semua harga belum disertai ongkos kirim dan diskon hanya berlaku sewaktu anda order via online di homepage  add to cart  sesuai hari promosinya. Pesanan Anda akan kami proses dan kirim konfirmasinya pada hari kerja.


Senin, 21 Februari 2011

[medicastore.com] Product Of The Day Medicastore 21-27 Februari 2011

Vitamam 3 Harga normal
Rp. 48.070
Harga Senin, 21 Februari 2011
Rp. 45.666,5

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Komposisi : Folic acid 800 mcg, Vitamin A 5000 IU, Vitamin B1 10 mg, Vitamin B2 2,5 mg, Vitamin B6 15 mg, Vitamin B12 4 mcg, Vitamin D 400 IU, Vitamin D 400 IU, Vitamin C 100 mg, Vitamin E 100 mg, Niacinamide 20 mg, Ca pantothenate 7,5 mg, Magnesium 100 mg, Zinc 15 mg, Mangan 1 mg, Copper sulphate 0.1 mg, K lodide 0.1 mg, Na Fluoride 1.0 mg, Prebiotic (FOS) 50 mg, Fe Fumarat 90 mg.
Kemasan : 4 Blister @ 7 kapsul Vitamin, 1 kapsul Fe
Pabrik : Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories.
SPARTA X FOR MEN Harga normal
Rp. 253.000
Harga Selasa, 22 Februari 2011
Rp. 235.290

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Komposisi : Tiap kapsul mengandung Epimedium folium extract 150 mg, Panax ginseng extract 50 mg, Butea superba root extract 50 mg, L-arginine 200 mg, Zinc 5 mg, Dicalcium fosfat 28,01 mg.
Indikasi :
  • Membantu memelihara stamina pria.
  • Untuk meningkatkan gairah seksual.
  • Daya tahan lebih lama.
  • Diminum dalam keadaan perut kosong.
  • Diminum 2 jam sebelum melakukan aktivitas.
  • Diminum dengan satu gelas atau lebih air putih.
  • Untuk penderita darah tinggi dan jantung harus dengan petunjuk dokter.
  • Apabila setelah minum produk ini mengalami gejala-gejala mulut kering,muka terasa panas,sebaiknya minum air dingin.
Kemasan : Box isi 10 kapsul.
Cara Pakai : Sehari 1 - 2 kali 1 kapsul.
Pabrik : PT Pharmasi Binangkit.
Rp. 85.000
Harga Rabu, 23 Februari 2011
Rp. 79.050

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Indikasi :
Mengoptimalkan pembentukan otot, mendukung proses pembakaran lemak tubuh, menjaga kekuatan tulang (anti osteoporosis), sebagai antioksidan serta mampu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.
Kemasan : Tablet 30's.
Kemasan : Dewasa : 1 tablet setiap hari, setelah makan.
Pabrik : Synplus.
PROBIO-C Harga normal
Rp. 48.703
Harga Kamis, 24 Februari 2011
Rp. 45.293,79

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Komposisi : Na ascorbyl phosphate 10%, hydroxyethylcellulose, citric acid, propylene glycol, alcohol, PEG-400, air.
Kemasan : Botol (dengan penetes) 10 ml,minimal order 2 botol.
Pabrik : Ikapharmindo.
DIABETONE Harga normal
Rp. 88.550
Harga Jum'at, 25 Februari 2011
Rp. 82.351,5

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Komposisi : Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E,Vitamin C,vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, biotin, niacin, pantothenic acid, ferro, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iodine, copper, chromium, selenium.
Kemasan : Kapsul 30's.
Pabrik : Vitabiotics.
SELOXY Harga normal
Rp. 108.200
Harga sabtu, 26 Februari 2011
Rp. 100.626

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Komposisi :
ß-karoten 10000 iu, Vitamin C 250 mg, Vitamin E 200 iu, Seng Sulfat 20 mg, Selenium 30 µg.
Kemasan : Kaplet 30 biji.
Pabrik : Dexa Medica.
Rp. 250.000
Harga Minggu, 27 Februari 2011
Rp. 232.500

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Indikasi :
  • Kombinasi Melatonin dan Valerian bermanfaat untuk membantu menigkatkan kualitas tidur serta sebagai antioksidan kuat untuk mencegah kerusakan sel-sel tubuh akibat radikal bebas.
  • Kandungan Vitamin E, Kalsium, Glutamine dan Grape Seed Extracts bekerja sinergis dalam meningkatkan efektifitas produk secara maksimal.
  • Membantu mempertahankan keremajaan tubuh.
  • Meningkatkan energi.
Anak-anak usia kurang dari 12 tahun, wanita hamil atau menyusui, pengguna obat-obatan penenang lainnya tidak diperbolehkan mengkonsumsi produk ini. Jangan mengemudikan kendaraan apabila sedang mengkonsumsi produk ini.
Kemasan : Botol 60 Kapsul.
Cara Pakai : 1 Tablet ( 1 jam sebelum tidur malam).
Pabrik : PT Natural Nutrindo.

Semua harga belum disertai ongkos kirim dan diskon hanya berlaku sewaktu anda order via online di homepage  add to cart  sesuai hari promosinya. Pesanan Anda akan kami proses dan kirim konfirmasinya pada hari kerja.


Daily Digital Technology

Daily Digital Technology

Apple iPad 2 Screen Protectors Show A Portrait Front Facing Camera

Posted: 20 Feb 2011 08:24 AM PST

We're all anxiously awaiting for Apple to come out with the official details of the Apple iPad 2. While much has already been discovered all thanks to rumors (hopefully) which also includes the fact that the iPad 2 will have a front camera. What about the placement of that camera? Will it be sideways like the iPhone 4 or landscape like the Motorola Xoom or Dell Streak ? 9to5mac believes that the camera is going to be right on top of the glass on the iPad 2.

The claim has been made with the help of sources said to have access to the iPad 2 screen protector inventory. The image clearly shows the portrait position of the front facing camera.

The other image of the iPad 2 screen protector received from a separate source seems to indicate that the the iPad 2 could possibly be slightly taller and slightly narrower than the original iPad. We already know that the iPad 2 will have the same 1024×768 display like its predecessor. Does this hint at a narrower, albeit slightly, bezel?

According to rumors, the iPad 2 release is expected to happen on either the first or the second Saturday of April, while rumor is that the iPad 2 production has started. However, keep in mind that all of the information received up till now are rumors, as there as been no official word from Apple as yet.

Let us see when Apple officially announces the iPad 2.

Adobe Flash Player 10.2

Posted: 20 Feb 2011 08:13 AM PST

If you use internet explorer 9 (which is still in beta), flash player 10.2 will take advantage of harware accelerated graphics in IE 9, for better graphics performance and seamless composition! IE 9 in turn, as you might know, harnesses the power of the computer's graphic processor and some cool features in windows 7!

In addition to all those smart features and enhancements, Adobe has also introduced some experimental features like H.264 Hardware decoding on linux platforms! As with every other release, Adobe has also fixed a number of bugs and have also listed several known issues, some of which they are working on! For example, printing SWFs is not enabled in the popular Google Chrome, and they are working with google to resolve it! Likewise, printing flash files are not enabled in Safari browser on Windows platforms, and they are working with Apple to resolve it (Why not Microsoft too?!!)

If you are a fan of lifeinaday channelon youtube, you will be happy to note that adobe is working on the known issues like video pausing when entering/exiting full screen mode and incorrect video positioning!

Download Adobe Flash Player

You should get flash player 10.2 for its improvements and bug fixes, though they may not be as significant as the improvements of adobe flash player 10.1 over flash player 10!

Adobe Flash Player

Check out adobe's release notes for the more complete list of features, bug fixes, systeme requirements and known issues.It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux!

To download the above version, use a browser other than Google chrome (for eg: firefox), as the chrome browser already includes a built-in flash player, that will automatically update whenever new versions are available!

Download AVG Antivirus 2011

Posted: 20 Feb 2011 08:06 AM PST

AVG Anti-virus 2011 offers anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-rootkit protection againt the worst kind of viruses, malwares, spywares and rootkits! It provides real-time protection to computers against all kinds of threats, known and unknown! While the free edition offers core protection, you may discover here that the pro version offers more comprehensive protection to your computers! Read its review to find out what it can offer!

AVG Antivirus 2011 Review

While AVG Antivirus 2011 offers antivirus, antispyware and antirootkit protection as part of its core protection, AVG Anti-virus 2011 also provides an online shield to protect your computers from threats originating anywhere on the web! You can thus safely download files from any website, as AVG antivirus completely scans them for the presence of viruses or any other forms of threat! AVG also ensures that online chat links are safe and any file shared via Instant Messengers (chat clients) are thoroughly scanned, before they are downloaded to your PC!

while we have experienced the core protection and online protection of AVG antivirus even with a few earlier editions like AVg 9.0, AVg 8.5 and AVg 8.0, avg antivirus 2011 offers something new in the form of social networking protection!

For eg., Facebook is one popular online social networking destination for a huge majority of internet population these days! Here people share their statuses, photos and videos with their network of friends and relatives! Though these are shared with good intentions most of the time, there are people who try to take advantage of this new form of sharing, by planting links to malicious media files and/or websites! These links may look harmless until you click on them to reach those malicious websites or download the infected photos and videos! Once you do so, your PC may get infected almost instantly!

Realizing this new form of threat, avg antivirus 2011 offers this new kind of real-time protection that scans every link shared on Facebook or Myspace! Thereby, it ensures that the shared items are harmless and protects your computers from getting infected!

The antivirus software isn't far behind other solutions in the market when it comes to effectiveness of its protection mechanisms listed above! They use the latest technology in their scanning engines and these are backed by heuristing detection, data collected from the AVG community (AVG community protection network) to detect new threats and cloud security! All these ensures that your software is up-to-date, with protective solutions for any new threats!

Thought the detection rates are decent, avg antivirus does produce a number of false positives! AVG antivirus scans may also be not as fast as other solutions, but the scanning engines is smart and works on a low priority when you are working on the PC while taking over when you are away!

Download AVG Free, AVG Free, AVG 2011, AVG 2011 Free, avg antivirus 2011, avg free 2011, avg antivirus 2011 free

AVG Antivirus 2011 Features

Here is a summary of the features offered by AVg anti-virus 2011!

  • Core protection with the help of enhanced anti-Virus, anti-Spyware and anti-rootkit engines
  • Enhanced AVG link scanner that Checks web pages in real time before you visit them, and guards you by showing safety ratings in your search engine results on Google, Bing or Yahoo!
  • AVG Online Shield that offers real-time Online protection when you surf the web or download files from any website or instant messengers!
  • AVG Social networking protection that scans and protects you against links to any malicious websites or media files (photos and videos)!
  • AVG game mode that provides hassle-free protection by working in the background, while you play games and watch movies!

Apart from its features, what users like the best about AVG antivirus is the ease of installation and use! The user interface is so simple and intuitive that even a novice computer user may find it amazingly easy to install and use!

Being a paid version, you will also be entitled to free support and assistance via emails, FAQs and knowledge base!

Installation Requirements for AVG Antivirus 2011:

AVG 2011 Antivirus is intended to protect computers running the following operating systems:

  • Windows XP
  • Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
  • Windows Vista (x86 and x64, all editions)
  • Windows 7 (x86 and x64, all editions)

Recommended System Requirements for AVG Antivirus 2011:

  • Intel Pentium CPU 1.8 GHz
  • 512 MB of RAM memory
  • 1200 MB of free hard drive space

AVG Antivirus 2011 Free download

Download avg antivirus 2011 free trial here and use it for 30 days! If you are satisfied with this security software, you may then proceed to buy it!

After downloading the installation file on to your computer, double click on it to start the installation process! You will be guided by an installation wizard to complete the installation! Once installed, AVG Antivirus 2011 will protect your PC from viruses, malware, rootkits and the like.